MVA Conference call held on 7 July 2024

The conference call was called to order bye at 3:30 pm by Tim Munderloh. The following personnel were on the call. Steve De Cata, Martin Fitzgerald, Bernard (Ray) Tillery and Tim Miller. At 3:32 pm Tim turned the call over to Tim who then proceeded to share the following items.

 1. Shadow boxes thru Amazon or Walmart the cost is $ 91.99 before taxes & shipping cost. The board agreed to purchase 2 to be raffled off during the grand dinner on the flight deck.

2. Tim has been able to make contact with the wine co and get the cost for the special magnum bottle of wine. It was agreed by the board to get one bottle per association. The current cost for that bottle is $ 54. Tim Miller will take action.

3. Tim Miller asked if we can get the key to the hospitality room on Sunday the 22. Steve will ask the hotel about that soon.

4. Then Tim bought up the subject of the Costco run, his thinking is that on the 23 during he is in Oceanside picking up the jockey box system for the kegs, that Ray and a few others will be able to go to Costco and get the items for the hospitality room. Which in turn Ray, Steve & Tim all agreed to make that run. Also Ray will meet and pay the company that we rent the refers from.

5. The last item Tim shared about that on the Midway there is only about 3 or 4 MVA brochures left at the visitor center, need to have someone from the membership committee to have more printed. Marty knows that point of contact and will have more printed out. Then Tim turned the call over to Steve. Then Steve shared that as of a few days ago we have about 140 people signed up for the reunion, with still about a little over a month to go. He would feel more comfortable if we could raise that number up bye at 50 or 60 people. Also stated the Franklin Rosevelt people seem to wait to sign up almost at the last minute. Also need to get the word out more about the reunion. Also shared that our guest speaker will be the new CEO of the Midway Museum Terry Kraft since our original guest speaker backed out. After Steve shared his information, the call was turned over to Ray. Who filled us in that getting those to pay their annual dues is still a challenge. Lately, it seems like when members do join they will join as life time members. After Ray shared about the finance status of the MVA. Tim opened it up for any other things that we needed to address. There was no further discussion, and the conference call was adjourned at 3:55 pm with the next conference call sometime in August 2024.


Respectfully submitted by Tim Miller MVA Secretary